Worcestershire Arts Partnership Blog

Monday 24 July 2017

arts can make you feel good...

Government Inquiry recommends that trainee doctors should study the impact of arts on healthTrainee doctors should study the impact of arts and culture on health and wellbeing, a cross-party parliamentary group has said. After two years of assessing the impact of using museum visits, dance classes and other arts interventions in healthcare settings, a parliamentary inquiry has concluded the arts can help the health service save money, tackle long-term conditions and support “longer lives better lived”. In a new report, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPGAHW) implores the Government’s culture, health and education secretaries to develop a cross-governmental arts in health strategy. It also calls on Arts Council England (ACE) to support arts organisations in making health and wellbeing outcomes integral to their work.

Interesting stuff!

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